Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Masheda Potatoes

Mocha Starbossa Coffee Shop and Lounge

Hi, come on back into the kitchen and lets get started on one of my favorite 'recipes'. No, that's not a spelling error on the 'Today's Specials' blackboard. Now everyone, wash your hands, put on your aprons, and let's get cooking. You'll see on the counter a bunch of leftovers, some fresh veggies, mashed potato flakes, milk, margarine, cheese, an egg, and some salt. Allow me to walk you through the basics and give you some tips and tricks to a really good bowl of masheda potatoes.

First of all, the name. I just randomly made that up. When it's plain potatoes, then it's mashed potatoes. Make it the way I like to, and it's masheda potatoes. Told you I can be random at times.

Now then, when you are buying ingredients, choose a box of potato flakes that is not flavored, and comes loose in the box, not in individual pouches in the box. Also, ignore the directions on the package.

There are two parts to masheda potatoes: The base and the whatever. The base is simple: Two thirds cup milk, one third cup water. Or three fourths cup milk and one forth cup water, depending on how creamy you want it. Put that in a sauce pan and add one tablespoon of margarine, an egg, and a sprinkle of salt. This is also where the fresh veggies come in. They can be anything you want, but there are always fresh veggies in masheda potatoes. Chop them up and put them in the base, then turn the burner on to medium-high(on my stovetop, the burner control has a scale of Lo, 2, 4, 6, 8, and Hi. I put mine on 5-6) Next, add meat if you wish, any type, and/or any leftovers you might have that you think would go good together. Last, once there's a steady flow of steam coming up, add the cheese, another must, but it can be any kind. Once it starts to boil, turn off the burner and move the saucepan off to the side. Add the potato flakes, about 1/4 cup at a time, until it's at the consistency you like. Pour it in a bowl and enjoy!

Here are some of my favorite masheda potato dishes:
Masheda Potato Salad: hot dogs, tomatoes, cucumbers
Breakfast Masheda Potatoes: sausage, onions and/or peppers
Cheesey Burger Masheda Potatoes: hamburger patty(chopped), tomatoes
Chicken Tomato Masheda Potatoes: canned chicken, canned tomatoes, fresh carrots

You get the idea. Have fun and be creative! :) I'll see you later!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

All About Collections

Mocha Starbossa Coffee Shop and Lounge

Hello travelers! Enjoying your coffee? Good. Lets sit back and relax a bit while we chat about collecting. Do you have a collection? I don't have a collection, I have several.

1. Playing Cards: My playing card collection is probably my top priority. far as my collections go. Not only are playing cards unique, they are one of the less expensive souvenirs you can find. Usually they cost no more than $5, and they don't take up too much space when you pack to go home. I try to pick up a deck in each gift shop I come across in my travels. Sure, I could ask for them for Christmas and my birthday, but it's just not the same. While I like all unique playing card decks, I really like it when not only the backs differ from other decks, but the card faces as well. One thing I like to do that would probably cause other collectors to gasp is I play at least one game of solitaire or rummy with every single card deck I buy. Why? Cause that's what they were made for! :)

2. Key chains: Key chains can be either cheaper or as cheap as playing cards, and they take up even less room. There are probably more variations in key chains than playing cards, but I still prefer the playing cards. One thing I like to do with my key chains is use them as zipper pulls on my jackets and handbags.

3. Blankets: Yup. You heard me right. I've just started to realize how many blankets I have and all the different uses for them. I have one acting as a door curtain for my bedroom. Yes, I have a door, but I like the look and idea of having a blanket over my doorway. I have two over the tops of some of my storage furniture for decoration. I have two acting as mattress padding on my bed, and one that I actually use as a blanket. Would I be willing to share my blankets? Yeah, absolutely. But I just like being creative with them.

4. Knick-knacks: I never meant to. Honest. But they just kept coming as Christmas and birthday gifts, and I came to love 'em. I have so many I have them in sets. Wild animals and Native American on one storage shelf. Angels and bells(did I mention my bells? I don't have very many, but I might start collecting them, which is why they don't have a separate category yet) on my bookcase. Cats on another storage shelf. Christian ones on my dresser. And yes, some up in the attic. I dunno...I just like creating scenes with each 'set'.

I think that's all my collections. What do you collect? See you soon!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Starbossa's Secrets: Products and the Web

Mocha Starbossa Coffee Shop

Good evening. Get out your pens and notebooks and prepare to take some notes, it's tip time! Today we'll be discussing how to make the web work for you as far as new products are concerned.

Number One: Pay attention to the commercials.
Okay, so you find commercials annoying or you use that time to grab a snack (or in my case, I'm using the break to write this blog post while watching Jeopardy). But commercials can give you lots of info. I'm finding a lot of them give a web address where you can look up more information, and sometimes they might announce a free sample they're giving away. Even if they don't, you can look the product or company up online. Once on the website, look for links to a FAQ, coupon, or free sample.

Number Two: Try Before You Buy
That's what samples are there for, and you don't risk wasting money on something you end up not liking. Free samples can range from a piece of the material to a coupon for a free package, depending on the product. If you'd rather not wait until one is announced on a commercial, bookmark a freebie website, keeping in mind that some may list mostly spam(you have to sign up for a bunch of stuff and have to keep going through page after page of offers before it finally says you'll get the product) while some are more genuine. Personally, I've signed up for the email newsletter and I've bookmarked
Note: Sometimes store websites have a link to free samples. So far I know that Walmart, Sam's Club, and Kroger have them. With Walmart, when you go to the homepage, on the left hand side is a list of departments. Go down to In Stores Now, but don't click. Another list will pop up, select Free Samples.

Number Three: Provide Feedback
The 'contact us' information listed on a package label or website isn't just for complaints. If you really like a particular product, let the company know. I prefer snail-mail when it comes to this, because the company might send you a coupon or something else...I can't guarantee this, though, but it doesn't hurt to provide positive feedback anyway. Just a nice, polite letter will do.

Number Four: Social Networking Helps
With the popularity of Facebook and Myspace skyrocketing, companies are starting to take notice, especially when it comes to Facebook fan pages. When you become a fan of a particular product, there might be a tab on their fan page for a free sample or coupon. Again, I can't guarantee this.

Okay, those are all the tips I have for now. If you have another one, let me know and I might do a part two update later on. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you soon!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Quiz: How Clean Are You?

Mocha Starbossa Coffeeshop and Lounge: Come in, sit down, relax, and take your time with this just-for-fun quiz. Please refrain from skipping to the end before your quiz is finished and please answer honestly. That's the only way to get your TRUE results!

How Clean Are You?

1. Let's say you just got out of bed. Look around your bedroom. What do you see?
a. A nice, clean, organized bedroom
b. You can see the floor, but you can also see little piles of stuff on the floor as well as on various pieces of furniture
c. When did the tornado hit?

2. While we're in the bedroom, answer this question: What is under your bed?
a. Bare floor
b. A large assortment of under-bed storage boxes, maybe some loose clutter here and there
c. I'm afraid to look.

3. Moving on to the kitchen, you open the fridge. What do you see?
a. The usual necessities, maybe a few leftovers, but overall a nice organized refrigerator
b. Each shelf and drawer is filled, but you can easily find and obtain what you need
c. Let's just say to get a container of juice, I need to
take stuff out and pry it from the sticky shelf before I can finally get it.

4. You finish your meal and bring your dishes to the sink, only to find a huge pile of dishes there. What do you do?
a. Roll up my sleeves and start doing some dishes/filling the dishwasher
b. Meh, I'll get to it later.
c. Practice my balancing skills.

5. Sitting at your computer, you see a thick layer of dust has accumulated on everything. Your next move?
a. Grab the Pledge and dust cloth immediately
b. Finish your computer stuff and then start cleaning
c. Leave it be. It'll just come back again in a week.

6. How do you react to clutter in general around your home?
a. I let it sit for a day and then it's gone
b. After a few weeks it finally gets on my nerves and I take care of it
c. I consider it part of the furniture.

7. If you're at someone else's house and it's full of clutter, what do you do?
a. When they aren't looking I tidy up a bit...they'll thank me later
b. It bothers me some, but I don't say's not my house.
c. makes me feel right at home.

8. You're in the supermarket with plenty of free time. You notice a few shelf items sitting on the floor, and someone's put a box of cereal on top of the cans. What do you do?
a. Fix it all and then go around to the different aisles making everything look nice and neat.
b. Fix it all and then continue with my shopping
c. Oops...that was probably me.

9. How do you feel about housework, such as sweeping, washing dishes, dusting...?
a. I love it and do it all daily
b. I do some everyday and for the rest I designate one day a week for it
c. Ack! Get it away get it away get it away!

10. What's your dream job?
a. A stay-at-home job or a cleaning job
b. I have something in mind but I wouldn't mind cleaning while at that job
c. Something big so I'd be too busy to clean


Mostly A's :
You are a "neat-freak" and you're proud to admit it. While "cleanliness is next to godliness", don't let it run your life.

Mostly B's or a mixture: While you might not like the thought of so much cleaning, once you get started on it it's hard for you to stop. You might start cleaning on a spur-of-the-moment whim, but it takes up most of your energy. Try to get into the habit of doing a little cleaning every day, so that when you do get to the bigger cleaning projects, you're not so overwhelmed.

Mostly C's: You absolutely hate everything about cleaning. You're comfortable to just let things stay the way they are. While you might prefer it that way, sooner or later you'll realize how stressful a cluttered living space can be, and you might realize that such a living space might be keeping your friends and family away. If you take your time and clean/pick up one thing at a time, the task will be done before you know it.

So how'd you do? As for me, I'm somewhere in the middle. Hope you enjoyed the quiz, and I'll see you soon. Have a wonderful Easter Sunday tomorrow! Christ is Risen! Hallelujah!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Now Entering Cloud Thirteen

Hello and welcome to Cloud 13. My name is Sarah and I will be your guide throughout today's tour. Feel free to look around and ask questions, but please stay on the marked path and don't touch anything. Along this tour you might experience tips and tricks, poems, stories, song lyrics, or just random thoughts and events that enter my mind. Sorry, no gift shop, eateries, or anything else along the way, so either come prepared or, if there is an emergency where you must leave before the tour is done, please notify your tour guide and I will pause the guided tour until you return...the words will be there when you get back. If there are no questions, let us begin our tour of Cloud Thirteen. You see we are standing in the only coffee shop on Cloud Thirteen, Mocha Starbossa. This is where you will sit in the lounge for some casual chat and maybe some poems and songs. As the tour continues on more creative and visual grounds, we will be traveling along our nature trail through Starbossa Meadows and Starbossa Gardens. For the more adventurous sights we will be traveling by pirate ship under the command of Captain Evening Starbossa. We will most likely be traveling back and forth between the different stops, so I will let you know at the beginning of each tour stop where exactly we are along the tour route. Thank you for coming and enjoy your stay.

Tour Notes: As this blog's first entry is based on a guided tour, I will make the blog in its entirety just like that. To help you out, here's some key notes to remember as you read this blog. First of all, Cloud Thirteen is really my mind, obviously. So as you read my blog it will be like you are touring my mind. Since there is no set writing style that I prefer, the different entries will begin with a tour location, as described above in the introduction and here in the following key:
Mocha Starbossa: Cloud Thirteen's coffee shop. These posts are more casual, such as every day, this is my life entries; song lyrics, and helpful tips and tricks. This is where the reader can sit in the lounge and relax.

Starbossa Meadows: Cloud Thirteen's nature trail. Here you'll find an outdoor gallery of photos and other entries pertaining to God's creation.

Starbossa Gardens: Cloud Thirteen's garden. Here you'll find, specifically, a garden of floral/artistic photos. Unlike Starbossa Meadows, Starbossa Gardens is less wildlife and more classy artistic floral, if that makes sense.

Capt. Evening Starbossa: Arrrr, Matey, and welcome aboard me ship. This be where ye find me travel log, including pictures from me travels. Don't worry, mate, I won't be puttin' ye to work just yet. Relax if ye can--there be a storm a-brewin' on that thar horizon, so these waters tend to be choppy.

So there you have it. I'll try, try, TRY to post every day. If I forget though, don't get hostile, I'll post soon enough. I guess that's all for now. See you soon!